domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


Para expresar que “una cosa es más ..... que otra” se utilizan estas formas del

adjetivos de una sílaba + er adjetivos de 2 sílabas acabados en –y + er

short shorter easy easier
tall taller happy happier
fast faster heavy heavier
slow slower
big bigger
hot hotter

Observa que los adjetivos de una sílaba que acaban en “vocal + consonante” duplican
la consonante cuando se les añade “-er”.


- Paul is shorter than John.
- Planes are faster than cars.
- Exercise number 4 is easier than number 2.

more + adjetivos de más de una sílaba

beautiful more beautiful
expensive more expensive
interesting more interesting
modern more modern


- That house is more beautiful than that one.
- Gabriel is more intelligent than his brother.
- This book is more interesting than this one.

adjetivos irregulares

good better
bad worse
far farther / further
much / many more


- The blue skirt is better than the red one.
- The village is further than the mountain.
- I´ve got more apples than you.

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